
2001 Annual Conference on Chinese Language Instruction


“The e Generation Students and Chinese Language Instruction”

二月二十五日(星期日) 8AM – 5 PM

Chapman University: 333 N. Glassell St., Orange, CA 92666



08:00 – 08:50            報到



08:30 – 16:00            書展暨教學軟體展

                                 Exhibit: Books and Software for Chinese Language Instruction

09:00 – 09:05            始業式 (修建虹)

                                 Welcome and Opening Remarks


09:05 – 09:15            貴賓致詞 (袁健生)

                                 Speech by Distinguished Guest


09:15 – 09:30            講員介紹 (李敏)

                                 Introductions of Speakers


09:30 – 11:00            專題演講:李三寶、Jeff Winters教授:互動式中文的教與學 (李敏) 

                                  Keynote Speech: Drs. San-pao Li and Jeff Winters: The Interactive Mode in Teaching and Learning Chinese


11:15 – 12:30            分組討論(一)

                                 Concurrent Sessions (I)


12:30 – 13:45            午餐/教學軟體示範

                                 Lunch/Software Demonstrations


13:45 – 15:00            分組討論(二)

                                 Concurrent Sessions (II)


15:15 – 16:30            專題演講:何寶璋教授:中文學校與大學中文教育銜接中的幾個問題 (姚昌蘭)

                                  Keynote Speech: Dr. Baozhang He: Issues in the Connection between Chinese Schools and Chinese Language Programs of Higher Education Institutions


16:30 – 17:00            結業典禮 (修建虹)

                                 Closing Remarks

11:15 – 12:30           分組討論(一)

                                 Concurrent Sessions (I)

                                 謝天蔚:e世代的中文教師如何面臨挑戰 (郭慶原)

                                 Tim Xie: e-Generation’s Chinese Language Teachers: Meet the New Challenges


                                 簡大森:網頁多媒體元件製作與處理 (張素玲)

                                 Thomas Chien: The Making of Multimedia Components for Web Page


                                 黃潔瑛:百變中文教室:中、低年級課程與遊戲設計 (蔡季男)

                                  Christina Hwang: A Multifaceted Chinese Classroom: Curriculum and Learning Games Design for the Beginning and Intermediate Classes


                                 魯三美:老外學中文的甘苦談 (劉經邦)

                                 Sammy Ponnusamy: Foreigners’ Fun and Challenges in the Learning of Chinese


                                 黃淑貞、顏綠美:知性、理性和趣味性的中文教室:淺談教室管理技巧 (呂桂清)

                                 Shu-jen Yen & Katie Yen: A Fun Chinese Classroom with Knowledge, Respect and Discipline: How to Develop an Effective Classroom



                                 Richard Liao, Debby Chang & Representatives from NCCSC: Pin Yin, General Romanization and Bo Po Mo Fo: Which Way to Go in the Teaching of Chinese Pronunciation


13:45 – 15:00           分組討論(二)

                                 Concurrent Sessions (II)

                                 徐凡席:多媒體在語言教學上的應用及製作 (廖茂俊)

                                 Fan Xi Xu: Multimedia for Language Instruction: Application and Production


                                 臧蓓:多媒體中文教材的活用 (許金瑛)

                                 Interactive Multimedia in Chinese Teaching


                                 顏綠新:我喜歡上中文學校:如何設計安排學生間的互動 (古念慈)

                                 Cindy Yen Chen: I Like to Go to Chinese School: How to Encourage Interactions among Students


                                 陳麗美:美國心,中文情:互動性的作文教學/ 蘇芳儀:美國中文學校師資培訓班課程 (陳克曼)

                                 Lee-Mei Chen: American Heart, Chinese Passion: The Interactive Method of Essay Teaching/

                                 Fang-I Su: Introduction to the Curriculum of Chinese School Teacher In-service Training

                                 張馬盈宇、陳可珍、曹笑蓮:課後輔導班的教學與行政管理 (何均利)

                                 MinMey Chang, Jane Chen & Shirley Tsao: Teaching and Administration at After School Chinese Programs

                                 郭慶原、孫燕福、方治欽:行政問題面面觀 (賴澤灑)

                                 C.J Kuo & Representatives from NCCSC: Chinese School Administration in Multiple Perspectives