以Excel處理學生資料與製作成績單 |
老師 Summery of Subject A. Introduction 1) 微軟儲表式的認識Basic conception of PC & Microsoft Excel 2) 儲表式的特別功能The specific functions of Excel 3) 雙語輸入的概念與操作 Bilingual data Process B. Excel Process Example Step One 決定紙張橫直Decide page setup:Portrait or Landscape 決定標題單元高低長短 Decide height and width of Title cells 毛估資料及儲存單元大小Decide sizes of cells vs total data. 保留最左邊一列的好處 Benefit of saving an extra column on left 畫好外圍 Draw the outline of the spreadsheet Step Two 指令儲存單元的字體及位置 Decide the font & alignment of cells 如何指令作編號 How to process the order of numbers 輸入其他所需細目名稱 Enter subtitles of items & remarks cells Step Three 按個別資料依次輸入儲存單元中 Enter each individual info unto each proper cell 練習微軟儲表式的抄印方法 Practice Copy/paste of Excel Step Four 練習微軟儲表式的分類功能Practice sorting function of Excel 練習微軟儲表式的計算功能 Practice calculations of Excel C. Other examples of Excel work 儲表式與網路的桔合運用 Excel combined with Internet 運用插畫軟体編制教材Combined with Clipart softwares |