


Temper and Stress Control 情緒與壓力管理


Course Description

This course will guide students through discussing reasons for the arousal of temper and feeling of stress and strategies to control our temper and reduce stress.  The course will be delivered in an interactive way by incorporating case studies, role-playing, and team work into direct instruction.  Students are expected to achieve the following learning objectives: (1) Understand the importance of both EQ and IQ in the success of life, (2) Be able to identify the reasons for losing one’s temper and feeling stressful, (3) Learn strategies for temper control and stress management, and (4) Be able to help others control their temper and stress.

Course Outline

1. Understanding Our Emotion and Stress Level

Array of Emotions

The Role of Learning and Experience in the Expression of Emotion
Sources of Stress
Psychological Reactions to Stress
2. Stimuli for Arousing Negative Emotions

 Physiological Theories

Cognitive Theories
Psychoanalytic Theory
3. Strategies for Temper and Stress Control
Coping Strategies
Preventing and Reducing Stress
The Effect of Laughter
4. Helping Others Control Their Temper and Stress: Case Studies